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Remote Online Notary Services

Secure and Convenient Remote Online Notary Services in Central Florida

Efficient Remote Online Notary Services for National and International Clients

Ladybug Mobile Services brings Florida’s unique and flexible Remote Online Notary (RON) services to an international audience. Our RON National Notary Association and state-approved services enable the notarization of virtually every document that a traditional notary can handle, transcending geographical barriers.

  • Global Accessibility: Serving clients internationally, ideal for those living abroad or traveling.
  • Wide Range of Documents: Capable of notarizing a diverse array of documents, including legal, financial, and personal paperwork.
  • Secure and Compliant: Adheres to Florida’s rigorous standards for online notarization, ensuring the utmost security and legal compliance.
  • Convenience: Offers the flexibility of notarizing documents from anywhere in the world, at any time.
  • 24 Hours and 7 Day a Week Coverage: Leveraging secure digital platforms, this service ensures fast, efficient, and legally compliant notarizations, meeting urgent and after-hours needs without compromising on security or quality.
  • Bilingual Assistance (English/Spanish): Ensures we can effectively assist bilingual customers, providing clear communication and understanding across all notarial services.

Remote Online Notary Documents

In a Remote Online Notary (RON) environment, documents that can be notarized are categorized into several groups:

  • Legal Documents: Including powers of attorney, affidavits, and legal agreements.
  • Financial Documents: Such as loan documents, bank forms, and financial agreements.
  • Real Estate Transactions: Like property deeds, mortgage closing documents, and lease agreements.
  • Personal Documents: Including wills, trusts, and advanced healthcare directives.
  • Business Documents: Covering contracts, corporate documents, and business agreements.

These lists are not exhaustive, and the specific documents can vary based on the transaction’s nature. The fees are dependent on the services rendered, starting at $25 for the 1st stamp, $10 for additional stamps, and a platform fee. The average RON is approximately $50.

Tips for Online Notary Publics

Florida Statute Summary

Florida Statute 117.209 outlines the authority of online notaries:

  • Functionality: Online notaries can perform functions authorized under part I, except solemnizing marriages.
  • Principal Appearance: Principals can appear before online notaries via audio-video technology.
  • Location Flexibility: Online notarizations are valid regardless of the principal or witnesses’ physical location.
  • Validity Determination: The validity of online notarizations by Florida-registered notaries is governed by Florida laws, irrespective of the principal or witnesses’ location at the time of notarization.

Florida Statute 117.245 into categories:

  • Electronic Journal Requirements: Online notaries must maintain a secure electronic journal detailing each online notarization, including dates, types of acts, document descriptions, principal information, and fees.
  • AudioVideo Recording: Recordings must include the principal and any witnesses, identity confirmation, document descriptions, notary’s opening information, and the complete notarial process.
  • Record Retention: The electronic journal and audio-video recordings must be maintained for at least 10 years, with specific rules for electronic wills.
  • Record Integrity: Steps must be taken to ensure the security and authenticity of online notarizations and records.
  • Validity and Legal Implications: Incomplete entries in the electronic journal do not invalidate the notarization but may have legal implications.

Florida Statute 117.265 for online notarization:

  • Location Flexibility: Online notaries in Florida can perform duties regardless of the principal or witnesses’ location.
  • Identity Verification: Requires audio-video technology for confirming the identities of principals and witnesses.
  • Recording Requirement: Mandates recording of notarial sessions.
  • Principal’s Consent: Ensures principal’s consent for Florida-based notarization.
  • Identity Confirmation Methods: Includes personal knowledge, government-issued ID, and knowledge-based authentication.
  • RON Service Provider Selection: Allows notaries to choose their RON service provider.
  • Security Measures: Ensures secure audio-video communication.
  • NotarialCertificateRequirement: Must indicate online notarization.
  • Validity and Compliance: Non-compliance may indicate legal issues but doesn’t invalidate the notarization.

Florida Statute 117.275 outlines the fees associated with online notarization:

  • Notarial Act Fees: An online notary or their employer may charge up to $25 per online notarial act.
  • Additional Services: Fees for services beyond notarial acts, such as those provided by a RON service provider, are not regulated by this statute.
  • RON Service Provider Fees: RON service provider fees are not classified as closing services and can be charged separately.
Notarial Certificates

These templates are based on standard practices and may need to be adjusted to comply with specific legal requirements or changes in law.

  • For the Acknowledgment: The signer is not required to sign in the presence of the notary but must acknowledge that the signature on the document is theirs and that they understand and are willing to sign the document.
  • For the Jurat: The signer must sign the document in the presence of the notary. The notary must also administer an oath or affirmation, and the signer must swear or affirm that the statements in the document are true.
  • Use of Seal: Florida law requires the use of a seal by the notary. Ensure the seal is clear and legible.
  • Identification of the Signer: The notary must either have personal knowledge of the signer or obtain satisfactory evidence of the signer’s identity.

Disclaimer and Use of Notarial Certificates:

The use of the notarial certificates is entirely at the user’s own risk. These certificates are templates and may not be fully comprehensive or up-to-date with the latest legal requirements. Users are strongly advised to review the relevant Florida Statutes for specific legal obligations and instructions. Click on the button below, you will find Ladybug Mobile Service’s Community Support notarial certificates in the State of Florida, this link will force a copy in your Google folder.

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