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April Social Media Calendar for Small Businesses

Welcome, small business owners! It’s April, and you know what that means? It’s time to break out those bunny ears and hop on over to your social media accounts! Why, you ask? Because April is chock full of fun events that you can use to spice up your social media content.

First up on the calendar is April Fool’s Day. This is the perfect opportunity to prank your followers with a silly post or two. Just make sure it’s all in good fun and doesn’t offend anyone. Maybe you can share a photo of your latest product, but make it look completely ridiculous by adding some hilarious filters.

Next, we have National Sourdough Bread Day on April 1st. If you’re a bakery or cafe, this is the perfect opportunity to show off your delicious sourdough bread. Share photos of your bread-making process, show off your toppings, or maybe even offer a discount to anyone who comes in and says the secret phrase “sourdough rules!”

April 7th is World Health Day, and this is a great opportunity to showcase your business’s commitment to health and wellness. Maybe you can offer some healthy eating tips or share some workout inspiration. If you’re a beauty or wellness business, share some tips for self-care or meditation.

April 13th is National Scrabble Day, and this is the perfect opportunity to show off your business’s wordplay skills. Share some fun word puns related to your business or product, or maybe even challenge your followers to a virtual game of Scrabble.

On April 22nd, we have Earth Day. If your business is environmentally conscious, this is the perfect opportunity to share your sustainable practices and encourage your followers to be more eco-friendly. Share some tips for reducing waste or showcase some of the eco-friendly products you offer.

Last but not least, April 30th is National Honesty Day. This is the perfect opportunity to be transparent with your followers about your business practices and maybe even share some behind-the-scenes photos or videos. Let your followers see the real you and the hard work that goes into running your business.

So there you have it, small business owners! April is full of fun events that you can use to spice up your social media content. Just remember to keep it light, funny, and always true to your brand. Happy posting and as you know, I am always here to help!

Ladyblog is a blog focused on providing small business owners tips so that they can achieve “great strides, with small steps.” Ladyblog is owned by Ladybug Mobile Services, a small, minority owned traveling service that offers general notary work, remote online notary work, loan signing, estate planning, digital marketing, wedding officiant/services, English/Spanish certified translations, English/Spanish tutoring, ink fingerprinting, virtual administrative best practices and much more. They serve the Central Florida region and surrounding counties. Their focus is to provide support to the small business community and spotlight small businesses.

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